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tv   Today  NBC  June 15, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. good morning. breaking news, reports that pakistan has arrested at least five informants who worked with the cia leading up to the raid on osama bin laden's compound. we're live at the pentagon with late details. @fb2jpvfytt1a3nduaf
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also as you said, markets much stronger yesterday, the dow up more than 130 points, nasdaq up more than a percent and a half. want to see if there's fallthrough there. watching crude oil, key inventory data today, crude below $100 a barrel. natalie back to you.
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>> melissa francis, new york stock exchange, thank you. t the weather. if you are putting thumb tacks in your map, al started in alaska then vegas and today, in houston, texas. >> it's day three of the cross country trip. we have traveled 6900 miles so far as we come in on a big truck. we are on pace to deliver $9 million for the services to needy services. today, a record for a single day. we are talking more than $
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around the country. here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning to you. our neck of the woods already warming up nicely. we're now at 61 in hayward, 61 in san jose, and 62 in concord. you can go straight to the short sleeves or tank top if you want. look where we're headed today, 10 degrees above average in the east, north, and south bay
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areas, 90 in shaez, 94 fremont. if you thought yesterday was hot, we'll tack on a couple more degrees today but then we cool down as early as tomorrow. >> more from houston, texas, and our charity coming up. >> al, la forward to that. his pregnant wife returned to washington early this morning after accompanying her boss, secretary of state hillary clinton on a mission. eleo.mbín't make decisions #g to stay alive after
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his entire senior staff quit. current and former campaign sources are telling details about the conflicts that led to the exodus. the problems circle around the role of his third wife.
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publicly supportive wife, but privately, a demanding one. >> his aids felt his wife was making unreasonable demands on his time. she was very particular about the way she wanted things done. >> advisers say she dictated the campaign schedule, refusing to allow early morning take offs for events so she could have her hair done. she demanded to arrange screenings of their movies produced by gingrich productions. the conflicts escalated when a staff wanted him campaigning in south carolina. instead, gingrich flew home to accompany her to an opera at the kennedy center. a few days later, the final straw, the greek isles.
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>> they make decisions together about their schedule, it's their life. >> the spokesman defends the strategy. >> this is newts campaign and he's going to run it the way it's best for america. >> reporter: many americans wonder if he can recover. >> my guess is he's going to be done fairly soon. >> reporter: all the conflicts have a devastating impact. gop sources say front-runner mitt romney will report $40 million so far. for gingrich, as of this week, the number is likely not going to be more than $3 million. matt. "meet the press." i don't want to spend a lot of time on whether his wife is a problem in the campaign. can the campaign gain back traction? >> it's very difficult.
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mike just said, fund raising is key for gingrich. despite his name recognition, he's not made a dent in the polls. he's trying to ok pie a space in the campaign. he's not been able to get started. the interesting part about his wife is she was marketed early on as a key piece of the campaign. he had trouble with extramarital affairs in the past. he was trying to demonstrate to voters who care about marriage he was a different guy and he changed. now, you have these distractions. bottom line, difficult to get off. >> gingrich is a guy with big ideas. he's a blunt spoken guy. is he destined to be more of a marketer than a candidate? >> right now, he's appearing to be a flawed conditioned who can't get his operation together. get people talking about you the
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way people are talking michele bachmann. he wanlts the focus on his ideaings for the economy. he's not getting there. >> when you talk about the debate monday night, 36 hours out from that. in the 36 hours, much of the talk on the gop side has been about candidates not yet in the race. we are talking jon huntsman and rick perry. what does the interest in them tell about the satisfaction of the gop candidates in the race? >> it's low. you have an emerging front running in mitt romney that a lot of people know. there's questions about whether he can get through the primary and beat president obama. it's not unusual. you have a large unsettled field. but there is a desire for somebody to come in, as a social conservative to sweep in and take care of that early state in iowa. once mike huckabee decided he was not in, it created a void.
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>> is the void filled by rick perry or huntsman? probably perry in terms of conservatism. >> i think so. jon huntsman is getting a lot of traction now. he announced he will have an announcement that he will get into the race. he's seen as an intriguing candidate. he'll get a lot of attention within the media. i talked to republican strategists who say the romney camp should not keep him at arm's length. he can make a mark here. >> let me ask you about congressman weiner. the new polling says 60% of voters across the country think he should resign. when you think of what's happening here, david, with jobs being such a key issue and with the debt ceiling and with housing numbers so bad, the fact that politicians, members of congress, even the president are
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forced to talk about anthony weiner, how much longer can it go on? >> i don't think very much longer at all. there's two factors here. what do his constituents think and his wife, obviously. from democratic colleagues, a great deal of pressure. there's feeling an ethics inquiry will force him out. there's a stubborn factor i hear about. top democrats say there's only so much we can do here. >> david, nice to see you. >> thanks, matt. >> 17 after the hour. here is ann. >> thanks. after months of preview, a complete working of the show, "spiderman: turn off the dark" started. the reviews are in. anne thompson is in times square with details. good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, ann. some thought spiderman would never open. this extravaganza is taking its place on the great white way. at last, "spiderman: turn off the dark" officially landed on broadway. after six postponements, it brought out an a-list including superstars, and a former president to see the most expensive show ever. ♪ i'm a $65 million circus tragedy ♪ >> reporter: u-2s bono wrote the songs. >> everything went out of control. >> reporter: the $70 million reach for the stars spectacular was caught in the high-flying web. previews to stop the show.
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actor christopher tyranny was one of six injured. the rock stars turned off insiders and critics. >> when you are told something great is about to happen, you sago ahead, show us. then you set up. >> watching a couple rock stars slip on a banana is kind of funny. >> reporter: backstage, it wasn't about them, but the cast. >> the prayer is, it's a serious prayer now, a blessing on tonight's show and safety first and all of your charisma. >> reporter: the audience loved the flying sequences. critics are now mixed about the new and improved version. it's a bore sniffed "the new york times." a tasty diverse in the new york daily news.
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in this crowd, there were plenty of fans. >> it was different and cutting edge. they always want to knock it down. >> reporter: the feel-good vibe lasted through the curtain call. she was called up on stage by her replacement. like peter parker who struggles with dual roles as teenager and superhero. bono and the edge are rock royalty and rookies. break a leg. now, even though spiderman has opened, it's still a work in progress. bono says it's about 90% done with more tweaks to come this summer. ann. >> thanks. coming up, for the first time arnold schwarzenegger's former mistress reveals her son to the world and speaks out about the
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affair. first, this is today. [ yawns ] [ magical chime ] ♪ [ people cheering ] [ girl ] whoo hoo!
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[ male announcer ] spare toothbrush, just in case: $4. ♪ home cooked meal: $28. ♪ first date finest: $33. ♪ having time on your side: priceless. mastercard paypass. bringing you the most convenient ways to pay. learn more at
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anthony's mother takes the stand ip middleton is jet rder trial. setting with one of the wealthiest men in england. [ female announcer ] never let the sun catch you off guard. moisturize with eucerin everyday protection spf 15. it's a light, non-greasy lotion that not only moisturizes your skin, it also protects it from uva and uvb rays. put the health of your skin first with eucerin everyday protection body lotion and eucerin everyday protection face lotion with spf 30, only from eucerin.
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come on dad! [ female announcer ] it's for celebrating all our dads are. our fellow explorers... can i touch him? yeah. ow! [ female announcer ] ...personal doctors... and that's why we wear shoes. [ female announcer ] ...d our oldest, closest buds. ♪ father's day is for us to say, "i'm so glad you're mine." come here... oh. happy father's day, daddy. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid.
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♪ happy father's day, daddy. ♪ ♪
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♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog. good wednesday morning, 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. as the weather warms up in northern california, there's worry about quick melt of the snow pack in the sierra. marla tellez is live in yosemite where there's already signs of flooding right behind you, marla. >> reporter: the meadow behind us completely flooded. first the gorgeous shot of the morning. this is a live look, i hope, yeah, live look of yosemite falls, the water cascading down. this the result of that snow
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melt laura mentioned. our snow pack is 200% above normal. with the cool spring we've had and the recent rise in temperatures, that is a combination for flooding. much of the yosemite valley is flooded. campers running into flooded trails. you're looking at video of the merced river. yosemite falls flows into the merced river. that, again, causing some flooding here. if we want to bring you back live here, the meadow behind me, cook's meadow completely flooded this morning. the water levels after today, though, laura, expected to recede. so that is the good news. days the peak day. >> it's a nice day to be there as well. thank you, marla. nice day in the bay area, if you like the heat. let's check with chrkristichris >> nice day in sierra nevada. check before you go up there, that goes for the tehachapis.
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90 in san jose. drops off as we head through tomorrow. you know what, this is pretty busy when it comes to the drive. >> the worst down the east shore freeway. the only major trouble spot, travel times 27 minutes off the bridge. not a major issue as far as speeds go. we can end with a live shot of oakland. pull that up on the screen, slowing traffic by the coliseum. not enough to show so we'll send it back to you. >> we'll take your words. for the latest news and traffic updates, check out facebook. i'll have another local news update in half an hour.
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friend is there, we would certainly like it. >>.
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>>. >>.
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to a magazine about her affair and the son she had with the former california governor. also ahead, do you find the labels on those packages for sunscreen a little confusing? there's a wide range of spfs. some claim to be waterproof, some are sweat proof others are marketed just for kids. ahead, what the government is now doing to make those labels clearer and more effective. >> that would be nice. remember pippa middleton? >> hard to forget. >> she's been called the most eligible bachelorette in england. now there are reports that she is stepping out with one of the richest men in the uk. live in london with that story. all right. but let us begin this half hour with the woman at the center of the arnold schwarzenegger scandal. she's telling her side of the story now for the first time. nbc's peter alexander is here with details on that. >> matt, good morning to you. with all the focus on anthony weiner it's kind of hard to believe that a month ago it was revealed that arnold
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schwarzenegger fathered a child with his own housekeeper, mildred baena. she is finally breaking her silence, answering questions about the affair, and what she said happened during a dramatic confrontation with maria shriver. mildred baena insists this will be her one and only interview. an effort she says to set the record straight about her affair with her former boss arnold schwarzenegger and their no longer secret son joseph, identified by his mother for the first time publicly. baena, until recently a trusted member of the schwarzenegger family staff, tells
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>>. other point i think that
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i never intended for anyone to know, not ever. misspoke hey, thanks a lot, matt. i misspoke earlier. i said $2.2 million, largest donations ever. it's almost $2.7 million worth of donations for a fantastic charity which we'll reveal in the next hour. but the heat is on right now and it continues. why in big upper-level high pressure system dominating jet stream to the north. we've got sizzling weather from southern california into florida. that's why we've got extreme drought across the south. look at temperatures anywhere 5 to 10 above normal from odessa, atlanta, down to miami. 97 little rock, 107 odessa, laredo. cooler weather around the western great lakes and northern mississippi river valley. pacific northwest looking good
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with temperatures 50s and 60s. those 100s continue to persist into the desert valleys. that's why going on arrange the country, here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. good morning, looking at the golden gate bridge. see what's left of the marine layer getting squished by high pressure compressing what's in the atmosphere. even particulate matter. high temperatures today, whoa, warmest day of the year. warmer thannies, concord and fremont, cool down by tomorrow. we really cool down for the weekend. >> with all this extreme weather going on. check out the weather channel 4 hours a day online. ann. >>.
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2-year-old daughter caylee so she could live the life of a party girl. >> your honor, the next witness is cindy anthony. >> reporter: for the third time casey's mother cindy was on the stand, compelled by the prosecution to testify against her daughter casey.
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>>. cé!b2jpvfytt1a3nduab3 ecebf
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good wednesday morning to you. 7:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the search is on for the gunman that targeted an east bay couple walking home from a b.a.r.t. station. christie smith live in hayward this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they did everything you might consider the right thing to do. handed over the wallet, the purse, didn't resist at all as they walked down tennyson road but the suspects still shot the husband two times. the wife unharmed. it happened last night as they left the b.a.r.t. station in san francisco. two men robbed them. at this point their race is
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unknown but they are 5'7" to 5'9" in teens to early 20s wearing white t shirts and dark pants. they had a cloth covering up their face so it was kind of hard to get a good look at them. hayward police asking anyone who may have seen anything to give them a call. live in hayward, christie smith. back to you. >> thank you very much. expecting a warm-up today. how hot? let's check in with christina. >> if you enjoyed yesterday, which you probably didn't, a little warmer, 90s, mid-60s, 62 concord, 64 in livermore. mvp while still seeing 50s on the coast. san francisco just jumped up to 60 degrees. they are headed to 76 later on today. take a look at seasonal averages and where they end up in comparison. 83 is the average, well above for today, 94 concord, average 84. as for tomorrow, we drop off a little bit. that cool down continues into the weekend. let's check your drive with
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mike. >> all right, christina. a bicycle by great america parkway. that's because my father-in-law called it into me. need to report that. keep peace in the family. thank you, dad. julian, an accident on the shoulder, 280 jamming up from 680 all the way to cupertino. livermore still very slow coming in through the central part of that city, past livermore avenue. speeds below 20 miles per hour. over half an hour at the altamont pass, focusing on the bay bridge toll plaza. >> see the perks of having your in-laws living out of town, mike. you don't know what i'm saying now. latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. we'd love to be your friend.
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talking about chop, we have little chop on the bay this morning. almost glassy conditions. take a look at where temperatures are now. 70 in fairfield and it just hit 8:00 a.m. 62 in hayward and we are well on our way to the mid-90s. fairfield, 95 degrees. the good news is, we cool down tomorrow. >> and the giving is just beginning as we get ready to reveal our charity coming up in the next half hour. matt? >> al, thank you so much. we'll see you in a couple of minutes. when we come back, though, we're going to talk about a popular hair straightening technique that some people fear could be bad for your health. what women need to know right after these messages. my pale dry skin
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and glowing moisturized skin? jergens natural glow daily moisturizer. it gives you natural looking color, guaranteed. jergens is the difference between landing and making an arrival. jergens. the beautiful difference.
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♪ [ dog treats drop ] everybody likes to get a bonus... the petsmart big brands bonus sale. save $5 on fiproguard™ plus flea and tick treatment, which contains the same active ingredients as frontline plus®. at petsmart. [ whispering ] shhhh... did you hear that? it sounded like the chocobeast.
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the what? half man, half beast. he'll stop at nothing to sink his fangs into people who steal other people's chocolate temptations. you guys have nothing to worry about, right? aaah! [ all scream ] nice job, chocobeast! thank you. [ male announcer ] six indulgent layered desserts, at 150 calories or less. new temptations. it's the first jell-o that's just for adults. back now at 8:10. women go to great lengths to get their hair just right but reports say that some techniques may put your health at risk. >> from the old-fashioned blow dryer to the new fad, a government agency recently released a hazard warning to salons across the country on certain kerotin straightening solutions. jennifer has been a hairstylist
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for nearly 20 years. >> i've never had any concerns with any product i've ever worked with before. >> reporter: but after deciding to add a popular hair straightening treatment to her service, that changed. >> my clients started asking me about the brazilian blowout. i was seeing the befores and afters, and their hair looked really beautiful. >> reporter: she tested the product on herself before applying it to her customers. the result, not what she expected. >> within ten minutes our eyes started burning, we were having difficulty breathing, our throats were getting sore, my lungs were burning. and i had to be put on an inhaler. >> reporter: so-called kerotin treatments have recently come under fire because they contain formaldehyde. but they say the treatment does not exceed the exposure levels. still, this year osha, the occupational safety and health administration, issued a hazard warning to salons about the potential risk of these products, saying some of their air test showed levels higher
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than the accepted limits. members of congress have asked the fda to start regulating these items. >> essentially we want to make sure that consumers know what's in those products and that the salon workers who use them know about it, too. >> formaldehyde exposure can be extremely toxic to your skin. you can get a rash that is red, blistery, and weepy. if you inhale it, it can give you some type of cancer. >> reporter: dermatologist says formaldehyde is almost everything, things we sit on, things we wear. but the danger comes when it's heated and turns it from a liquid to a gas. >> when it smells bads, that's how we're programmed. we're supposed to get away. >> reporter: ventilation is a top priority at 901 salon in west hollywood california where smoothing treatments are applied daily. >> we're opening our windows, turning on the fan, to get enough ventilation to make the client feel safe. >> if you're going to provide that service you have to have
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ventilation. i don't recommend that it be done in a salon that doesn't have windows. >> reporter: and for many who have had the treatment, they say it's life changing for their hair. >> i can get up in the morning and wash my hair, barely dry it, leave the house and look completely put together and polish polished. >> i don't have to worry about frizz. it's totally manageable. it cuts my product usage in half. and just every day is a good hair day for me. >> reporter: but no matter how much it helps, even stylists say you should still know what you're putting in your hair. >> i'm still having problems. even today i'm sensitive to chemicals i've never been sensitive to before. >> now, states across the country are also taking action. ohio's board of cosmetology is advising salons to make people who get brazilian blowouts to sign waivers that it comes with certain dangers. we're now joined by celebrity hairstylist sally and nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman. good morning.
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breathing problems, sore throat, burning lungs and now that possibly even cancer. long term, this is a big issue. >> well, you know, yes, it is long term issues. short-term issue if your eyes sting and throat burns. long-term issue because formaldehyde is on a list of tox tick chemicals. i think it comes down to this really big question. what do you want in your environment, what price for beauty, and informing a consumer as to what products are going to be used. >> still, the point is this doesn't happen very often, these symptoms, right? >> i never once had that complaint. and, again, there's no formaldehyde in our keratin treatments that we're using in our salons. >> the word keratin is not the word you want to look for. >> right. >> the word is formaldehyde. >> exactly. >> what about your workers or workers in general? if some clients are suffering some impact, what about the people who handle this stuff all the time? >> well, actually, again, i was
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looking online, there's no real reports that clients are complaining. if anything, when i've been walking through the rooms here, women are freaking out loving it. again, it's a matter of, i mean, you know, for beauty, the passes that you do are really about how much damage you can do to the hair. and we have -- i mean, everyone should have vents and air conditioning going on and fans. >> i think that's the issue though. not every salon is going to have vents. if you walk into a nail salon or hair salon, we've all been smacked with that scent, must be acrylic nails here, there is formaldehyde in the air. that is your body's defense saying this is not normal, back away. that cumulative effect is the concern for the government. that's why formaldehyde has been added to this list of toxic chemicals. you just really have to be smart about it. are you willing to pay the risk. and find out what your salon is
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using. some salons will use different products. >> you know, there are -- i just want to say -- at-home treatments. we were the first to come out with the keratin spray. so if you're afraid of all of that, spray it in your hair, activate with it a blow dryer and it's not permanent. it will last until you shampoo your hair again. >> really quickly though, if you do have these symptoms -- >> don't do it again. >> is there anything you should do medically? >> no, get out of the room, wash your hair, get out, don't do it again. >> all right. dr. nancy snyderman, thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you. coming up next, creative father's day gift ideas from the grill to the gadgets. that's right after this. uh, laugh lines?
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[ laughs ] not funny. act my age? -why? -why? -why? i love the sun. past sun goddess. every line has a story. [ female announcer ] we all age differently. now there's roc multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. a lifetime of stress lines, sun damage, and worry wrinkles will fade in just 4 weeks. -crows feet... -belong on birds. [ female announcer ] roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you. -aging... -bring it on. correct what ages you. i have copd. if you have it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only
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once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. breathing with copd is no small thing. ask your doctor about spiriva. that can go the distance. that's why we gave the chevy equinox an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon highway. but do passengers appreciate all of the comfort features we put in the equinox? hey. want me to drive? we'll take that as a yes.
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the count on chevy event is going on strong with a full selection of chevys to choose from. come claim yours today. visit your local chevy dealer. or maybe 8? my me when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. >> narrator: today's whip is brought to you by mcdonald's. i'm loving it. we're back at 8:19 with a special edition of today's whip
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because this morning it's all about gifts for dad. we have four experts to help you find the perfect father's day presents for their t. men in your life. >> we're going to start by doing grilling. kenny callahan is executive chef at manhattan's blue smoke restaurant. father of two. happy father's day to you. >> thank you. >> thank you. got to clean the grill before we cook on it. these are wild brushes. >> these are the grill daddy. stainless steel bristles and they have steam attached. any kind of residue, old meat or old fish, you can steam clean your grill. >> battery operates? >> battery operated. work tons same theories of iron. >> these things expensive. >> start very cheap at $14.99 and go up from there. >> that's not bad. i know you love this tool in particular. this hook. what's that about? >> rosewood meat hooks. they have a sharp point. just a little safety thing here. what's good is you can grab your meat. you can make nice grill marks. if you need to turn anything, you have a nice long handle.
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>> it's nice and light and not expensive. only $9.95. great for flavoring, a lot of people like to put the wood chips in there. these are really inexpensive. >> i think this bag is $3.95. royal oak, they make -- these are wood chips. they also make chunks. they have a great charcoal as well. >> you just -- do you put a lot in the fire or just a little? >> a little in there. it will smoke up. if you need a little more smoke, add more. >> i love pizza. you can cook pizza on the grill with your own pizza stone. >> granite pizza stone from williams-sono williams-sonoma. you put it right on the grill, nice and hot. >> a little expensive. $75. >> the granite stays nice and hot and it keeps it crispy. >> let's go with the thermometer. why do you like these? >> two different types. this is thermometer is ten bucks. if you're cooking a large piece of meat on the grill, you want to have a nice thermometer. this is high end. this is from brookstone.
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you have a remote control. put the probe in the meat, put this next to the grill, attach it. have beers with your friends, it's going to tell you when the meat is ready. >> again, happy father's day. matt, thanks. from cameras to tvs, digital, we've got digital expert mario armstrong with ideas for these tech-savvy dads. mario, good morning. >> good morning. >> your first idea just the best. i'm totally grooving on this idea. >> it's called the i-watch wristband. they all hold an ipod nano. you have your music, photos, fm radio, podcasts, all types of good stuff on your wrist. you can easily pop the nano off and put it on any other style or wristband. >> let's move on to the cameras for people who like to take pictures. >> digital slr rz hot. a lot of people are using them for graduation. great pictures, better zoom and fast shutter speed. action sport, the kid gets that
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soccer goal, you don't want to miss it. >> great small version. >> $499 on amazon. >> this is crazy. >> this is the man cave tv. these are by these are by handspring. these are 28-inch tvs but they have them from 19-inch to 55-inch. the sports lover, hd, 1080 p. >> this rocks. >> a remote rocks? >> i know, but because it's got a -- >> that's right. bottle opener. cheers to us. let's have a beer. have a beer. >> all right. >> this is the universal remote. it holds up to eight different devices. and you can have your beer. >> just one second left. golf balls? >> per ekt for matt lauer because his golf game is rough but these golf balls keep going straight. these are self-correcting golf balls. not pga legal, but great on the golf course. >> you may be in trouble with that. here's matt. >> last off the course with those. every dad needs good tools. we have kevin o'connor, the host
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of "this old house" and contributor to the magazine. power goes out, you need information. you like this radio. >> self-powered radio. doesn't run on electricity or batteries. if you're in an emergency, 90 seconds of cranking, 15 minutes of listening time. >> expense snich. >> only about $50 from american red cross. not just for weather emergencies. at the beach, crank between innings, listen to the ball game. >> doing a project, we've had this happen, trying to hold a tool in one hand, flashlight in the other hand, you have it in your mouth. it's not working. this is a tripod. >> for hands free. you got kids? >> yes. yeah. >> you give each one of the kids a flashlight. i'd rather work in the dark to keep the peace. they each get one of these. if they don't want to help, that's all right. >> how much? >> $32 and a genius design from our friends at stanley. >> if you're doing a project at home, you have to be safe. these pair of glasses. >> our friend norm has been telling people to use safety glasses for 20 years.
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doesn't worry if you're cool or not, but if cool is your thing, high style. >> little more fashion. quickly about the drill. >> comes in at under two pounds. it's got the light in the front, a quick-release chuck, you can hang it off your pocket. here's what i love. 90-degree drilling. tight space. >> kevin, we have to make that the end. >> thanks, matt. >> happy holiday. inside to natalie. of course the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. why not make dad a tasty sandwich? ryan d'agostino has ideas from the cookbook "eat like a man." sandwiches. >> a breakfast sandwich. amazing. everything good about life. salty meat, nice, creamy,salami. >> eggs. >> life is bet we are a fried egg. everything in life. sweet basil. >> the kids can do it, too. >> like building. >> real quickly heefr, the steak sand witch. the way to a man's heart.
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>> top it with salad for health. healthy sandwich. >> with all that cheese? >> it makes you feel better about the world. >> i think so. dad should feel better about the world. thanks so much. >> thank you. just ahead from our ryan to good wednesday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. there is snow melt as the temperatures are warming up. swelling in the rivers and waterfalls. there are some sign of flooding. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. the sun is out now. the temps are warming up here in yosemite valley, maybe 90 degrees today. that means a lot of the snow is going to be melting and that meanses the waterfalls are going to get their fill. this is the iconic yosemite
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falls. the snow pack, 200% of normal. we've had the cold spring and now flooding as a result of the recent rise in temps. you're looking at video of the merced river flooding. 20 cabins are closed and 40 camp sites are also closed in yosemite valley. it goes to show that mother natu is a forceo be reckoned with. >> thank y very y much. it's 8:27. weather and traffic after this.
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good morning to you. live look at the golden gate bridge. traffic moving along nicely. you can see what is left of the marine layer. it's fading quickly. our temperatures are rising now that the sun is out. 70 in fairfield. 67 in concord and 60 degrees in san francisco. highs in the mid-90s. it's going to be a hot one. back to you. >> it sure is. thanks very much. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. see you in half an hour.
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8:30 now on a wednesday morning. june 15th, 2011. bright sunny morning here in the heart of midtown, manhattan. we've got a big and energetic crowd assembled on rockefeller plaza. i'm ann curry along with matt lauer and natalie morales. al is in houston this morning on
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what is going to be the biggest morning ever for lend a hand today. you know, al is so excited about this. he's just really been talking about it. >> with good reason. he works hard on it all year long to make this come true this week. >> big reveal coming up in a moment. also ahead, something for the women out there and the men. "green lantern," big movie now coming out at the box office. its star is ryan reynolds. he, of course, a great actor but also happens to be "people" magazine's reining sexiest man alive. he has -- he has the sash and the tiara to prove it. he's inside. he's also a really nice guy. we're going to talk to him about the movie. >> guys like to hang out with him as well. >> absolutely. men and women. also coming up, good friend jane pauley is here today and she's got an inspiring story about a woman who answered the call of the wild and is now living out her dream. >> that will be exciting. but first, let's go to
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houston and talk to al with a check of the weather. hey, al. >> hey, ann, natalie, matt, thanks so much. we're so excited. today this charity which we're going to reveal in a few minutes we're going to give them $2.7 million worth of goods and services. we've got literally trucks lined up along the road here to help donate. one of the folks who has a truck along here is from hasbro, our good friends who have been helping us along. karen davis, thank you so much. you guys donating more than 4300 toys and games to our charity today. >> we did. we did. it's a great charity you selected. hasbro is happy to help you out with the whole lend a hand program. >> in fact, over the whole week, you guys are donating $150,000 worth of games and toys. >> we try to help kids all over the world in need. but right here at this particular program, we are thrilled to partner with you. >> karen davis of hasbro, thank you so much very, very much. in fact, it's so big i had to get somebody to help me. who better than houston native
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jenna bush. >> texas native, not houston, but close enough. we've got kyle lowery here of the houston rockets. you guys are donating, too. what are you donating in. >> 200 pair of basketball shoes and 1,000 upcoming tickets to a rockets game next season. >> 1,000 tickets! that will be a lot of fun for the kids. >> a lot of fun, yes. >> you guys have been active with this charity for a long time, right? >> yes, i want to give back to this charity since 1995. we're glad to be here today. >> thank you so much, kyle. mckinley, there's strobes. >> we have pitcher, manager brad mills. so, what are you guys donating? >> in addition to help unload the truck we're donating $5,000 to this charity. also 1,000 tickets. >> 1,000 tickets? that's fantastic. >> yes. >> thank you so much. that is terrific. man. >> that is awesome. >> he's got a hat for him.
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i'm an honorary houston good morning to you. taking a live look at san jose just looks warm out there this morning. 8:34 now, already in the mid-60s, even a couple 07s popping up. 70 in fairfield and 67 degrees in livermore. it will be another unseasonably warm day. 84 degrees is the average in the east bay. i'm forecasting 94 in concord. we cool down just in time for the weekend. hope you have a great day. jen and i are coming back to reveal a charity which happens to be a favorite charity of jenna's. $2.5 million worth of stuff to give away. >> you're going to have to give it away right into kathie lee and hoda's show. when we come back, actor ryan reynolds is live in our
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studio. we'll talk to him. but first, this is "today" on nbc. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible cr. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak.
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back now at 8:36. the highly anticipated film "green lantern" hits theaters friday with ryan reynolds. hal is the first human ever to become a green lantern and to make it official he must take that, oh, so important oath. take a look. >> bride's day, when black is night. no evil shall escape my sight. not those who worship evil's might, beware my power, green lantern's light. >> ryan reynolds' whose eyes are now brown. >> yes. >> good morning. it's great to have you here.
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i know the women watching are excited to see you. people who like "green lantern" are excited. i've got to ask you a question that i can't ask very many people. >> okay. >> that is, which is more personally meaningful to you, having been voted the sexiest man alive or getting your very own action figure? which is your -- >> i'm going to take the action figure because when you're a kid you don't think about the former, you think a little bit more about the latter. so, yeah, my nephew is obsessed with these things right now. i'm -- that's sort of a bigger win, i think, in the long run. >> i think it is. i think it is. >> yeah. >> let's talk about your wardrobe for this film. >> yeah. >> because i would think that it might have -- i mean, you know, you, i mean, look terrific, i'm sure, in spandex, but i would think that you might have had a problem with what you had to wear. >> it was somewhat tough. in the mythology of the film the suit was made of energy. what i'm wearing is actually a
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motion capture suit, which is a really, really tight-fitting gray suit that is designed to capture all my movements. and then the computers generate the actual suit that i'm wearing. >> it's cool. >> yeah. yeah. but, yeah, yeah, the actual motion capture suit though is designed to do that and take the joy right out of life. the shooting of louisiana, the middle of summer in that thing and it's just -- yeah, it's like wearing an all over turtleneck. >> yeah. so there was a price to be paid. >> there was a price to be paid, yeah. >> okay. on top of that, you know, you had this situation where you had to embrace fear because, as i understand it, this was about flying. and you don't -- >> yeah -- not a big flier. >> are you afraid of flying? >> i am -- i'm a little afraid. i have problems with airplanes. i've always had problems with airplanes. i used to take something so i could get on a plane and i could comfortably get through it. it would make the whole world taste like chocolate and i would land and get down and walk away and be fine. but you can't do that when you
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fly as much as i do so i've had to get over it. on film i was up on high wires. we were flying all over the place. sometimes 60 feet per second flying across the city, across sound stages. it was really, really interesting and really terrifying at first. but then i got into it. >> how did you get into it after all this? you had to overcome your own fear. you're wearing a turtleneck in this hot environment. what propelled you, you know, to really be into this, this role as green lan lantern. >> i don't mean to make it sound to ultraistic but my nieces and nephews were so excited. i kept thinking about help coming to see this film. >> aw. >> you get overall that crap and get up there. after the 17th, 18th time doing it you say, you know what, this is actually a little bit of fun. >> and i think, i guess we were talking about earlier, i think, you know, we all need a hero right now. >> yeah. >> meantime, your life is just going off in all kinds of directions. you're starring with jason bateman in the "change-up" and
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you mentioned you're shooting in africa with denzel washington. >> yeah. >> can you believe your life? >> i really can't. i mean, i look in the mirror and my eyes are the size of dinner plates right now. it's bizarre. i mean, i never would have predicted this. working a lot. i uld who love a little break but i recognize i have very, very good problems. yeah. yeah. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> people love to watch you. you're such a talent. and we find out from this article that you've written called "why i'm obsessed with ryan reynolds by royan reynolds" >> it's a little tongue in cheek. >> yes. congratulatio congratulations. cheering you on. again, the movie is called "green lanterns." coming up next, the biggest morning ever for lend a hand. we've got al's big reveal. he's very excited about it. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it's hump day around here but it's a big day on day three of al's lend a hand tour, his cross-country adventure. this morning he's made his way down to houston, texas, and jenna bush hager. jen and al, good morning to both of you. >> thank you so much prt for the last 29 years our charity has been making a huge impact here in houston for kids and families that have been deglekted to poverty. today jenna bush hager has spent a lot of time with the good folks here, jenna. >> i have. many of these kids come to casa with nothing, dealing with staggering levels of abuse and poverty. but the minute they walk through the doors here at casa, they're
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given a loving and hopeful home. >> i believe that every single child deserves to have a family and to be loved. >> reporter: that is the heart and soul of casa dee esperanza. >> i never cease to be amazed at the courage of the children who walk in that door and believe that somebody loves them. even when people have hurt them. >> first things first, thelma said. >> reporter: love is what heals at casa. established almost 30 years ago with just a $500 donation. kathie foster rented a tiny inexpensive house in a rough neighborhood and took in her first child. casa has now expanded to ten houses currently home to some 50 kids, ranging from newborns to teenagers. in all, 3,000 kids have come through these doors.
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for many, it's their first time living in a safe, stable environment. >> when the kids first get here, what kind of conditions are they typically in? >> a lot of the kids come in just really with nothing. and the moms really have nothing to give them. >> reporter: the ultimate goal? reuniting kids with their families. but if that isn't possible, casa helps to facilitate adoptions. >> after six months coming into casa and the rest is history. >> it changed your life. >> changed my life. >> reporter: will jones came to casa when he was 8. after the death of his mother, he had been abused and in and out of 17 foster homes. but casa broke that cycle, finding him a permanent home and a loving father. >> my dad is probably my best friend. there was a lot of times when i would push him away type of thing but he was persistent and would not let me go. >> reporter: volunteer driven, casa is committed to changing the world one child at a time. the program includes everything from medical to developmental to
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educational services. >> you do everything you would do for your child, and i think that's the benchmark. whether that means nutrition, whether that means going to a doctor's appointment, we are just there. >> reporter: and it was one of the first organizations in the country to take in children with hiv. a personal cause for kathie who adopted six casa kids of her own. the oldest, teresa, died of aids when she was just 15. >> no child should die without a mother. and i really felt like that just couldn't happen and i wasn't going to let it happen. >> reporter: whether it's her own family or her extended family at casa, kathie says she gets more than she gives. >> they have loving and caring people who teach me things every single day. >> reporter: casa de esperanza,
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which means hope can go a very long way. the volunteers that live here are amazing. they commit to one year, but many stay longer, saying it's hard to believe the precious smiles of these wonderful little kids. >> all right. well, here we go, kathie, phil, you guys ready? let's open it up! here we go! strollers, $145,000 worth. friends at united airlines, $10,000 in cash. i just got hit by a big check. 200 miles in mileage plus miles. 18 donating $55,000 in laptops. good neighbor pharmacy, $42,000 worth of cash and products. frigidaire, they bring in freezers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, paula seen and serta mattresses.
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100,000 bowls of oatmeal. underwear, $25,000 worth columbia sportswear, they've been withes from the beginning. jackets and fleece. groceries, $10,000 forth of diapers, wipes, detergent. raymond james and associates, $10,000. munchkin, $10,000. ikea, $10,000 worth of gift cards. philips energy saving eco energy saving light bulbs. slim jims, $10,000. wells fargo, 10$,000 worth of cash. yo crunch, courtesy of sam's club, $10,000. cici's pizza, 10$,000 as well. guys, walk with me over here. we've got nice folks from smithfield. they have been donating. and al davis is with us. >> yes, al, it's a great day. they say they do it big here in texas. today, ufcw and smithfield foods
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is going to do it big and donate 1240 servings. we have more to give this week. >> we appreciate that. al, we've got more, coming up, matt, big stuff. don't go away, as we continue the big give. $2.7 million worth for our friends at casa de esperanza. >> that's wonderful. >> thank you so much. >> oh, my goodness. >> all right, al. cheers. that's great. >> such a great charity. >> makes you cry, doesn't it? >> so fantastic. well-done. jenna's piece, my gosh, how poignant was that. coming up next, we're going to be checking in with jane pauley on one woman's journey from the office to yellowstone. so exciting to
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back now at 8:52 with "your life calling today." we're with "today" contributor jane pauley working with the aarp which is produced and sponsored a service of reports for us. she's here with us now about a story of one woman who listened to her own heart. good morning. >> good morning. barbara o'grady was a geologist, managing environmental clean-up projects in denver. her office window, her kids were
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grown, her life was calling, it was the call of the wild. yellowstone national park, timeless natural wonderland, where bison still roam. >> good morning, everyone, and welcome to yellowstone. >> reporter: this is where 59-year-old barbara o'grady found herself. >> yellowstone for me is the answer to the question, why. >> reporter: a certified interpretive guide, she tells visitors the story of the wilderness. >> and because the hot water had already broken it down, making it much softer, it was able to just eroded away very easily. >> reporter: a far cry from windowless conference rooms. and at home, he was a mom with four kids. >> it was a juggling act phase of my life. we all worked together.
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but it was so hard. i felt like not the best mother, a lot of the times not the best worker. >> reporter: craving a little time alone, 14 years ago she took a trip to glacier national park to take a class on wolfes. >> wolfes? >> totally random. >> did you think that was at all strange? >> not at all. it was something very -- >> primal. >> there was just something -- something very important missing from my life. and i needed to find it. >> so it will be a little bit challenging to find white goats -- >> reporter: she was still in her 40s, but a seed had been planted. did you think your life was going to reveal itself or that you had to go find it? >> i was confident that there was going to be a little bit of a revelation. my job was to recognize it. >> reporter: and at the age of 55, she did. >> i like, oh, my god, this is
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it. >> reporter: it was a pailen to ji pro sect in yellowstone unpaid. >> i said yes, right away. >> reporter: it was a pivotal moment in your life. >> your marriage was not going to survive this. >> i think we both knew that at the time. it was a very high price to pay. >> reporter: her kids were out of college and starting new lives. four years ago she began a new life, too. >> it's going to go a little higher, i think. wow. >> that's really beautiful, isn't it? you're a woman on your own now. >> my husband said that he believes he's the only man in the united states that has lost his wife to a national park. just watching the cycle of life the animals go through, i think
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it really helps put your own life in good morning to you. it's 8:56. san jose police announcing that they have arrested a south bay teacher on charges that she molested a young student. police arrested 28-year-old colette earlier this month and she's out on bail. she worked at stratford school
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a. private group with middle school classes in the silicon valley. police won't say how yheirir victim was. they arrested after receiving a tip. we'll have a look at the morning commute after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] spare toothbrush, just in case: $4. ♪ home cooked meal: $28. ♪ first date finest: $33. ♪ having time on your side: priceless. mastercard paypass. bringing you the most convenient ways to pay. learn more at
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welcome back. it's 8:58. a horrible drive coming up 880 through oakland. look at the travel time at the bottom of your screen. 39 minutes from 238 because of a disabled truck coming through downtown. right around the embarcadero, a live shot from the coliseum jammed up just starting to move from high street down to san leandro. maybe use 580 as a good alternative.
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>> thank you very much. for the latest updates, check out nbc bay area morning news. another update in half an hour. have a great day. beth! hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ femalennouncer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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---- we're back now with more of "today" on a wednesday morning. 15th of june, 2011. nice people in our plaza. thank you very much for coming down and saying hi. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and savannah guthrie. coming up, a little b more about a story that made huge headlines a month or so ago, the scandal involving former california governor arnold schwarzenegger. >> for the first time mildred baena is speaking out about her affair with the former governor of california and movie star. in a magazine she reveals how her son reacted when she told
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him schwarzenegger was her father and the dramatic confr t confrontation she had with maria shriver. and we're going to have answers to your money emergencies. 911 team is here to talk about your questions from taking money out of your 401(k) to pay for your mortgage. saving for retirement, and also help protect your money. we've got expert advice on that this morning. and also, this morning for you, royal watcher, st. james palace just released the itinerary for prince william and kate middleton's visit to california. we're going to tell you where you might want to catch a glimpse of the royal couple. and i also want to mention a few moments ago we had jane pauley on our broadcast. i want to mention for those because everyone is a fan of jane's. she's at noon eastern time today going to be doing a live internet radio call-in show at so you can get to talk to her then. >> if you want to catch a glimpse of mr. roker you're
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going to have to do that in houston, texas, this morning because he's been giving away great things all morning long. for example, the recipient this morning casa de esperanza in houston. it was a record-setting morning. way more than $2 million of merchandise for that very worthwhile cause. al, record breaker. congratulations. >> thank you so much. our producers have done such amazing work. kathie foster here. you want to open up a cafe, that would be great. but casa. >> yes. >> but there were other folks. slim jim is giving you $10,000 forth of stuff. penske truck rental, sara lee, paula dean furniture, ocean kayak, near town mini storage, two men and a truck movers, special thanks to pr evolution.
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how are you feeling? >> overwhelmed. >> overwhelmed? we've got more. come on over here. we've got jansport. you guys are donating $275,000 worth of merchandise. >> we're very excited to be back for our third year with you on lend a hand. today the jansport brand are helping youth to get tout outdoors. over 10,000 jansport backpacks. >> what are you going to do with that? >> many, many, many things. >> we've got one more thing for you, too. not just one. but nice thing for you. 2011 toyota sequoia. here it comes. that's right. you can get the kids to school and to doctors' appointments. it will seat eight comfortably. it's worth $65,352 from our friends at toyota. this is to help you expand your
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mission. >> helps us take care of many more children than we already do. you see the lovely children here today. their lives a s ars ar s ars ar because of you all. >> you do such wonderful work. jansport backpack. matt, back to you. a lot more giving here in houston. >> not only today but two more days this week. it's going to be great, al. thank you very much. congratulations. let us now go inside. natalie is standing by at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning again, matt, ann, savannah. more strain on the u.s. relationship with pakistan with reports the pakistani government has arrested several local informants who collaborate with the cia to prepare for the raid that took down osama bin laden. one of the people arrested was reportedly the owner of the safe house that cia members had rented while conducting surveillance on bin laden's compound in abbottabad. the pregnant wife of anthony weiner arrived home this morning. democratic colleagues said weiner was waiting for his
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wife's return to make any decisions about resigning over his sexting scandal. the wallow wildfire is now the largest in arizona state history as it now threatens to engulf a town in new mexico. this as officials now believe the massive and destructive blaze was sparked by an abandoned camp fire. two people are now being questioned in connection with the fire that has forced thousands of residents to evacuate. st. james palace has released the itinerary for prince william and kate middleton's three-day visit to california next month. it begins friday with a diplomatic reception followed by a saturday polo match for charity in santa barbara. a black thai bash and visits to an inner city arts program and jobs fair. government is out with new rules on sunscreens and what goes on the label. starting next summer of 2012 sunscreens will be labeled broad spectrum if they protect against the uvb rays and more dangerous uva rays associated with skin cancer. the rules also ban words like
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waterproof and sweatproof. more than 8,000 americans die every year because of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. sometimes grocery shopping can make you feel, well, like rapping. especially if you're the comedy group fog and smog. their song about the trials and tribulations of going to whole foods might ring true with the fans of all things organic. check it out. ♪ now i'm on the inside looking at my list ♪ ♪ organic chicken and salad with a little twist ♪ ♪ some girl in yoga pants is looking at me funny ♪ ♪ then i take you to the cheese counter ♪ just ran out sir ♪ ♪ take it easy man i've tried to calm myself ♪ ♪ this is getting real in the whole foods parking lot ♪ >> ken and upscale cheeses has the likes of rapper littlejohn and ryan seacrest buzzing as it heats up on youtube. we like that, the rap. all right. it's now six minutes past the
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hour. let's go back out to al with a check of the weather in houston, texas. >> all right, thank you, thank you, natalie. and we are joined now by gymboree, third year in a row you've been heing us out. what do you have for kathie? >> we are honored to be here. today we have $475,000 worth of gymboree products. 20,000 for your beautiful children. we just love to celebrate childhood at gymboree. >> thank you so much. >> something like this really helps the kids' self-esteem. >> absolutely. they come in with nothing. and to be able to dress, go into society like everybody else, makes a world of business. >> we're giving our best. top to toe fashion. >> our beautiful children are the best! >> that's right. >> thank you. thank everybody at gymboree for us. let's check your weather.
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we hav severe weather today stretching from the mid section of the country up into the upper mississippi river valley. risk of strong storms. low pressure pushes its way north. that's bringing showers and thunderstorms. in fact, we are looking at heavy thunderstorms stretching from chicago all of the way down to the southeast. anywhere from one to two inches of rain over the next 24 hours. good morning to you. we are already in the 70s at livermore, fairfield, concord, even santa rosa. san francisco, you're at 66 degrees now. it's 9:00 a.m. in the morning. 80 degrees in oakland. 92 in livermore. this is going to be the hottest day of the year so far. make sure you're drinking lots of water if you're outside for any duration of time. we cool off for tomorrow and then really cool off in time for the holiday weekend. we've got a lot more as we continue giving out $2.7 million worth of stuff, natalie.
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looking forward to it, thanks so much, al. this morning on "today's" money 911 we're ready to answer your most important financial questions. david buck is the founder of and author of "at the time free for life" and sharon epperson. a lot of great questions, as always. first up, we have jimmy on the phone from north carolina with us. jimmy, good morning. what's your question for our panel? >> yes, ma'am. good morning. i have a good amount of money in my 401(k) that i've saved through my company plan. i'm 62. i'll retire in three years with my company, with the airline. i've got two boys, 20 and 21 years old. and i'm trying to leave this money to my sons. i have no need for it. when i pass, i'd like to be able to leave them this money with as little or no tax burden as possible. is that possible? >> all right. let's turn it over to jean. is it possible? >> we want to know if he would
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like to adopt us. >> yes. >> sweet. so here's the deal, jimmy. you will actually have to pay the tax fess you don't want your kids to pay the taxes. and here's how you do it. when you retire, you roll that money from a 401(k) into an ira. then you convert that ira to a roth. if you expect that your tax bracket will actually go down, you want to wait until it gets to its lowest level before doing that conversion because you're going to have to pay taxes on any of the money that you condition vert, you can do it in chunks, you can do it over time. it's your choice. but if you were in the 25% tax bracket you can quickly run the numbers and figure out it's a pretty hefty $25,000 tax bill. >> father's day. >> it is. >> because they never have to pull the money out of the roth. they will never have to pay taxes on it again. it can grow tax free forever. >> father of the year award. next, a viewer joining us via skype. ramone in san diego, california. good morning, ramone. >> good morning. >> what is your question for
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your lovely group? >> my partner and i just inhe t inherited some money from my parents, enough our retirement and savings. we looked into cds and iras. we're pretty conservative with our market risks. >> david? >> ramon, do you have a retirement account right now? >> i had one previously but i was with an airline and got laid off and cash eed it out. >> there you go. >> first thing i do want you to do is go back and open up a an ira account. fund an ira account. use the $5,000, you can get a tax deduction, deductible ira or a roth ira. here's my best advice for you right now. get a financial plan done. you're a perfect candidate for a financial plan. don't rush out and spend the money. instead, take $1,000 to $1500, meet with a certified financial planner. have them sit down with you and go through your goals, risk tolerance, objectives, then go
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and invest the money. get yourself six months to get financial education. >> don't be so eager to invest the money. have the savings already for six to nine months for expenses. this is a great way to jump-start the fund. >> we're going to twitter now. question from thomas. in order to get better terms and financing on my mortgage, do you recommend me withdrawing from my 401(k)? this we already know how you usually answer this question. sharon? >> no way. i understand the need or the want to do this. that is you want to increase the equity you have in your home so that perhaps by having a bigger down payment you will be able to get better terms if you're refinancing so your loan to value ratio will be lower. it's never a good idea to dip into your 401(k). why? if you're younger than 59 1/2 you're going to have the withdrawal penalty for taking out early as well as tax toes pay on it. maybe you what should do if you have the 401(k), still contributing to it. continue to contribute up to the company match and stop. put the rest of the money from a
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house fund and start building up your money that way. >> good advice. >> once again, jean chatzky. later, need moativation to lose weight and exercise more? e lebrity secrets for their th h diesteafssesthage messages. there are about 220 million cars and trucks in america, most of which are used for regular things like bridge crossing, traffic waiting, and radio rocking. but a car can do more than carry a trunk full of junk. right now, toyota is giving 100 cars over 100 days to deserving nonprofits all over the us, and your votes decide who gets them. visit and vote for the one you think will make the most positive impact with their new car. 100 cars for good. one little car can do a whole lot of good. express hydration. the fast absorbing body lotion for moisture that lasts all day
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with breakthrough 24 hour hydraiq technology. ♪ absorbs in seconds. ♪ lasts for hours. ♪ new express hydration with hydraiq. part of the essentials range. nivea. a hundred years of skincare for life. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. one square inch of extra smoolights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. we know you did it. it's obvious. announcer: sheer blonde go blonder, shampoo, conditioner and new lightening spray is the only line that gives you
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the control to gradually lighten for a sun-kissed blonde. where is the sun? sheer blonde go blonder. from john frieda. chicken, chicken chicken. there are thousands of ways to prepare it. [ chickens clucking ] you know only two of them. time to mix it up. time for new philly cooking creme. it'll take your chicken to places it's never been before. somewhere creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. look at you all chef-like. spread the love around in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme. -why? -why? -why? [ female announcer ] we all age differently. roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you. for the first time the woman at the center of the
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schwarzenegger scandal is telling her side of the story. nbc's peter alexander has the details. >> good morning with all the focus on anthony weiner it's hard to believe it was just a month ago it was revealed that arnold schwarzenegger fathered a child with his own housekeeper, mildred baena. after weeks of hiding she's breaking her silence answering questions about the affair and what she said with a dramatic confrontation with maria shriver. mildred baena insists this will be her one and only interview. an effort she says to set the record straight about her affair with her former boss arnold schwarzenegger and their no longer secret son, joseph. identified by his mother for the first time publicly. baena, until recently, a trusted member of the schwarzenegger family staff tells "hello" magazine she doesn't want her 13-year-old boy born five days after schwarzenegger and shriver's son to be ashamed of who his father is.
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50-year-old housekeeper said her or fair was short lived. it was a few times 14 years ago. i thought i loved him. baena calls schwarzenegger a good man and denies reports that he had known about the child for years. saying, never have i told him joseph was his son, never did he ask me, and never did we talk about it. the twice married mother of five claims she began to suspect joseph was schwarzenegger's son as he grew up and increasingly started to resemble his famous father. beginning last summer she says maria shriver heard the whispers and con fronted her, asking if her husband arnold was joseph's father. i dropped to my knees and i was crying, saying that, yes, she was, and i was so sorry, baena tells "hello." maria was so strong. she cried with me and told me to get off my knees. we held each other and i told her it wasn't arnold's fault, that it takes two. while baena says schwarzenegger helped her buy this $250,000 home, she claims she wasn't paid a dime for her interview with a
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british magazine. since the scandal first broke last month schwarzenegger has largely stayed out of view, surfacing briefly for lynch with his sons patrick and christopher. >> he has told his friends that he thinks it's not that big a deal and he doesn't really get what all the fuss is all about. and that he would like to still reconcile with maria and still loves her. >> reporter: slooifr ver was most recently spotted on a weekend hike with two of their children near their home in los angeles though she's reportedly moved out of the family home and has been staying at an exclusive beverly hills hotel. for her part, mildred baena says this has been the scariest, most painful, confusing, and disappointing time of her life. but that her thoughts really go out to shriver. i want her to know that i admire her and my apologies come from the heart. i never intended for anyone to know, not ever. i never wanted anyone to be hurt by this. one other point that really catches your attention, i think, when you read this interview is the son joseph's initial reaction to finding out that his dad was arnold schwarzenegger,
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baena says in typical teenage fashion, he said, cool. and that he's looking forward to building a relationship with his famous father. >> all right, peter alexander, thank you. coming up, more of al's tenth anniversary record-breaking lend a hand tour. today he's in houston with some heart-warming surprises ahead. plus, how some of the most amazing bodies in tinseltown keep in shape. he fitness secrets of th stars. but first, this is "today" on stars. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [the davis twins... ...are alike in nearly every way... ...right down to brushing their teeth. so how did only one get gingivitis? well, one in two people do. thankfully, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. looks like the twins are even again. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of fiber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber when you are eating a candybar. you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. term "hero" to be bandied about. but does bringing a floor back to life really make us heroes? yes. yes it does. ♪call 1-800-steemer. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new from neutrogena naturals.
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mmmm... oh my...what a dish. the potatoes aren't bad either. [ male announcer ] fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all. and olive garden's one of the few places we can take them where everyone's happy. try our new four cheese pastachettis. with grilled chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with grilled sausage. starting at just $9.95. only at olive garden. [ chanting ] do it! [ all cheering ] [ female announcer ] it's fun to get dirty when it's this easy to get clean. that's because clorox 2 stain fighter & color booster works better than detergent alone at removing the toughest stains. works better than detergent alone meet beth, nursery school teacher. lights, camera, activia
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it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia al is on a record breaking week of charity giving. this morning alone he's given away nearly $2.7 million to a fantastic children's organization in houston named casa de esperanza. >> open for 30 years has been helping kids fight poverty, homelessness, and families bringing them together. we're here are maureen puckman.
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and you guys are donating $125,000 worth of your product. >> yes. we believe that every child deserves the very best. and we're giving you earth's best organic baby food and diapers and wipes. and for the toddlers, we have sesame street products. everything without pesticides. very best because every child deserves the very best. >> that is terrific, maureen. thank you so much. also joining us, probably recognize this young man. clay walker, country superstar. i know you're a buddy of jenna bush's. she kind of got you here. but obviously didn't take much to get you here. >> houston is our hometown. our country does so much for other countries it's so awesome that the "today" show has recognized an important need in our own country and done something about it. nothing less than admirable what you've done. >> when you hear about a group like this, there are so many great charities out there, but casa de esperanza.
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>> incredible. hits me right in the heart. i grew up underprivileged. i see what you guys are doing. these kids here are mesmerized by all the gifts and outpours of love. my hat's off to the "today" show. i've been watching you a long time. i love it. >> are you touring this summer? >> touring this summer. we have a new record coming out, the best of of clay walker and i'm excited about get that out. i want to say hi to my girls and my son, skyler, mcclay, mimi, william, i love you, jess. >> you got them all in. clay walker, thank you so much. can you help unload the truck? >> i'm going to do it. >> all right. we've got a lot more coming up, including some of the best barbecue from big bob's barbecue. chris lily is here. he's going to be cooking up some great stuff as well. so big bob gibson barbecue, and more from houston, texas. savannah, natalie, back to you guys. >> sounds good. >> al, thanks. we'll check back with you in a
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minute. still ahead, how to get a bikini ready body. you can look like a star, though, after your local news and weather. [ groans ] [ marge ] psst. constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. good morning, students. today we're gonna continue...
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good morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. firefighters say arsonists torched an elementary school just days before a wrecking crew was set to tear the building down. although the building was set to be destroyed to make way for a new school building, the contents were not. the fire was set before teachers had a chance to move teaching supplies to the newly constructed school. teachers say that they are devastated. >> i can't even describe it. there's so much pain and
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suffering like in my heart. it's like my soul dropped to my feet that the school that i went to burned. >> sad for students. among the lotses, textbooks, computers, and furniture. we're going to take a quick break and be right back.
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good morning to you. it's 8:28. take a look at the temperatures. 72 degrees in concord. 66 in napa and 66 degrees in hayward. we are well on our way to the mid-90s. ending 10 to 15 degrees above average for this time of year. the good news is, though, this is very short lived. as of tomorrow, we start to cool down back to the mid-80s and then this weekend, we are going to fall below our seasonal averages. temperaturing cooling down in time for father's day weekend. breezy conditions, beautiful weather this weekend. let's check your drive right now. >> okay. we're looking over here, we have
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the red and yellow and this looks like an early morning map. out of the al tap month pass, 32 minutes heading over to the dublin interchange. northbound 580. because of the trek through downtown oakland, that is cleared and taking 28 minutes from 238 up into downtown oakland. moving much better at the coliseum. a live look at the toll plaza means folks are now longer held up in downtown. there's your back up into the berkeley terrace. >> thank you very much. for the latest traffic and news updates, logon to nbc bay area morning news on face book book. we all have personal ones as well. check it out.
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no! where do you think you're going? what the heck? >> that's jim carrey in his latest comedy "mr. popper's penguins" about a man's whose life begins to unravel when he inherits a half dozen flightless birds. he's going to tell us all about it tomorrow on "today." excited to see it? >> yeah. >> when he's in the house, things get a little -- >> it's crazy. >> wacky. it should be fun. >> looking forward to it. >> i'm savannah guthrie along with natalie morales. >> coming up, the hottest bodies
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in hollywood. how they stay fit and trim and some, of course, look half their age. we're going to get some of their fitness secrets. al is on his tenth anniversary lend a hand tour breaking all the records for needy kids in houston, texas, today. al, it's been an exciting morning. sounds like a rock concert this morning and now you've got something cooking. >> thanks so much, guys. i mean, so exciting here. in fact, we've got some more donations. this coming from jordache and our friends, liz, and what do you have for us? >> i've got $125,000 worth of jeans! >> wow. >> and i've just so happy to be here, al. thank you so much on behalf of jordache. she's jeans are carried nationwide at walmart and we are all so happy to be part of this great event. thank you so much. >> fantastic. kathie, hold on just a second. bring this on up from the garage from our friends at gilman automotive group. >> the people from gillman.
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>> the nice folks from gillman providing this fantastic, fantastic vehicle. >> oh, my gosh. >> this beautiful chrysler. it is a beautiful town and country minivan. top of the line. >> amazing. >> for you folks at casa de esperanza. thank you so much. from gillman. you're going to be able to get the kids around pretty easily. >> absolutely. oh. >> let's check your weather and we'll show you, for today, we are looking at some spectacular weather along the eastern seaboard. although some rain moves in later. we've also got a risk of thunderstorms mid section of the country. beautiful weather out in the southwest. tomorrow the heat continues in the southern tier of the states. we've got more showers now making their way into the east with some thunderstorms. but again, the pacific northwest not a bad day. looking at great weather in the southwest. although a little on the toasty good morning to you.
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taking a live look at san jose. a lot of those cars driving on the guadalupe parkway, they probably have the ac on. we are in the 70s. 73 in livermore and only 9:30 in the morning. 72 in concord. as we head throughout the afternoon, another unseasonably warm day. fairfield, 95. 94 for concord. good news is, we cool down tomorrow and back to the 70s. have a great day. one of the reasons we're here is because offen that bush hager. we have roddy roast here. roddy, what are you doing here for the folks at casa de esperanza. >> we're so excited to be here. it's really an honor. for nearly 80 years ethan allen has been helping people in communities around the world feel at home. so we're really proud to be able to help casa de esperanza continue to be the safe haven that it's been. >> terrific.
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$125,000. >> $125,000 worth of furniture. >> that is spectacular. >> awesome! yeah! >> this is the biggest day ever. it just seems to get bigger, jenna. everything is bigger in texas. >> everything is bigger down here in texas. >> back to you guys. >> that's so great, al. thank you. and coming up next, we're going to switch gears and talk about "people" magazine's list for the hottest hollywood bodies. we coming . [ male announcer ] the network -- a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. -why? -why? -why? [ female announcer ] we all age differently.
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roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you. wrap it up, boys. while i'm still young. ♪ two hours till bedtime. let's move it. ooh. you do your own stunts, right? well, i -- good enough. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. they know they have guns, right? new newtons fruit thins. real cranberries and cranberry citrus oat... crispy whole grain. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie. we get double miles on every purchase,
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so me and my lads earned a trip to san francisco twice as fast! we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! whoa dude. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? mosquitoes or mosquito spray? huh. [ female announcer ] try the new design of off! clip-on repellent. lab tests show this sprayless repellent really repels. in minutes, its fan surrounds you from head to toe with effective, odorless protection.
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[ mosquitoes buzzing ] so don't spray it on. clip it on. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. sc johnson. a family company. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. the difference between my pale dry skin and glowing moisturized skin? jergens natural glow daily moisturizer. it gives you natural looking color, guaranteed. jergens is the difference between landing and making an arrival. jergens. the beautiful difference. come on dad! [ female announcer ] it's for celebrating all our dads are. our fellow explorers... can i touch him? yeah. ow! [ female announcer ] ...personal doctors... and that's why we wear shoes. [ female announcer ] ...d our oldest, closest buds. ♪ father's day is for us to say, "i'm so glad you're mine." come here... oh. happy father's day, daddy. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid.
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well, looking for some added motivation to hit the gym this morning look no further than the pages of "people" magazine. they've chosen the most amazing celebrity bodies. "people" magazine senior editor is here. good morning. >> good morning. >> i love the person at the top of your list. jordan sparks. she's so cute. was on "american idol." she has really grown up and slimmed down. >> absolutely. you know, she came into the spotlight at age 17 and a size 14. she recently turned 21. really became a woman. she wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle and lost 30 pounds and is now showing off a sexier bikini body. >> what did she say her secret was? >> she started off with hikes and doing high-impact cardio. what really did it for her, she loves zumba. >> all right. let's move on to kristen cavalari. jeans have helped her out. it's gorgeous. she said she works out and works at staying bikini fit. >> absolutely. we asked her to be a part of this issue because she is
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somebody who has the body in the spotlight at all times. there's an added pressure for her. right before the shoot she worked out three times on the week and treadmill for 40 minutes she preferred this string bikini because she said it adds curves. >> she loves doing that because it adds curves to her bottom. >> serena williams, a wonderful tennis player not built like a tennis player. >> she realized that at age 17 that she was bustier and curvier han most athletic women. she loves going out in a bin i can bikini. >> our next group of folks, people half their age, look nothing like their real age. at the top of the list is halle berry. >> even her trainer says that no 20-year-old can compare to her. she just defies gravity and mother nature. she works out with gunner
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peterson. in the gym three to five times a week an hour. dedicated. >> two friends next on the list. jennifer aniston, a lot of women think she looks fantastic. she says yoga is the key. >> she's a big yogi. she doesn't just always go out in a yoga studio. she pops in a dvd which just goes to show all you do sometimes is pop in a dvd at home and you can have a killer body. >> she says pizza and mexican food are her weakness which we can all relate. >> absolutely. sometimes you have to have thoetd indulgences. >> courteney cox, another beautiful woman on this list says that she's on a low carb diet. sounds like she works at it. she's got a celeb who pretends it all comes naturally. >> she looks like she never left her 20s. sles just like her friend, jennifer aniston. her big weakness is eggplant lasagna. >> okay. let's do our final. body moments of the year. no list would be complete without pippa. >> of course.
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>> specifically pippa's rear. >> definitely. at the royal wedding, not to take away from kate middleton but after the royal wedding everybody was talking about her bum. right now she has three facebook pages dedicated to that part of her body as well as her own twitter feed. >> kirstie alley, really slimmed down from dancing. >> that's right. besaw her shrink before our eyes week in and week out on "dancing with the stars." her own weight loss program, organic liaison. >> let's show beyonce's body moment. that dress. >> that dress, that performance. she just showed off a knockout figure but stepped up again and showed why she's a healthy role model. >> our own hoda kotb made the list. >> a little bit extra inspiration this morning for all of us. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. and coming up next, we'll go back to al inst honou for a little texas barbecue. that's right after this. [ female announcer ] what if your natural beauty could be flawless too? discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers.
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then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia light every day. activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. [ chanting ] do it! [ all cheering ] [ female announcer ] it's fun to get dirty when it's this easy to get clean. that's because clorox 2 stain fighter & color booster works better than detergent alone at removing the toughest stains.
9:44 am
works better than detergent alone ♪ new hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in a little drop of chocolate. pure hershey's. express hydration. the fast absorbing body lotion for moisture that lasts all day with breakthrough 24 hour hydraiq technology. ♪ absorbs in seconds. ♪ lasts for hours. ♪ new express hydration with hydraiq. part of the essentials range.
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nivea. a hundred years of skincare for life. welcome back to lend a hand today on the "today" show. our friends at glidden are already hard at work putting their paints to good use, staining some walkways here. we want to thank them for that.
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on "today's" lend a hand kitchen, nothing like a good texas barbecue. so we've got grill master from big bob gibson's barbecue, the winner of this year's memphis in may. >> how about that? >> how about that? pulled pork. >> hey, al, nothing brings people together like a backyard barbecue. we are heating up casa de esperanza today with my world championship pulled pork shoulder, my grilled corn -- grilled mexican corn, and baked bean sdpls and something else. >> and something else. do not forget. >> hold on, folks. >> my great friends based right here in houston have donated this custom grill for all the kids to use. >> wow! >> with adult supervision. >> with adult -- kings for charcoal have stepped up and given them enough charcoal to keep this baby lit all year long. >> wow! >> how about that? >> that's fantastic.
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how about this? look at that. >> oh, yeah! man, that's a barbecue. >> we are cooking it up. >> as a matter of fact, our directors lit all year long, that's a different kind of thing. pulled pork? >> absolutely. this is exactly what we do in competition. >> that's an injection? >> you think about it. you have this big hunk of meat and you hut it on the grill. cooking at kingsford for 1 ho4 s hours. this is apple juice brine. >> salt, sugar, little bit of lemon juice and maybe a touch of worcestershire. >> shoot it. >> shoot it? >> yeah, that looks good. >> fill this baby up. >> it's all in the wrist, isn't it? >> that's it. >> that looks like an art of some sort. >> wow, man! >> once that's filled with the injection we want to go on with the dry rub. we want to get full coverage on this baby. >> full coverage. >> what's in that dry rub? >> we've got garlic salt, onion salt, paprika, salt, sugar,
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black pepper, eycayenne pepper. we go on for 12 to 14 hours on 225 degrees. >> low. indirect heat. >> indirect heat. away from the charcoal. you're exactly right. and then this is what we get right here. this is the finished product right here. >> that looks good. >> if you cook it right, this is what happens. >> falls right off the bone. >> you get the bone off just like that. >> only in texas. >> look at that. >> oh! >> look at that. >> oh! >> how about that for pulled pork? >> look, it's haley's comet! that's unbelievable. >> that looks good. and hot. >> mexican corn? >> this is a great, great way. basically you start out with corn, straight off the cob. pull the husk. you want to grill it until it's nice and charred and done. then you want to take half mayonnaise and half yogurt. >> any cup of yogurt or a special kind? >> any vanilla yogurt. absolutely. a little bit of lime juice.
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3/4 cup of mayonnaise, 3/4 cup of yogurt, and some lime juice. you want to mix that all up. >> right. so you whisk that up. >> and then you paint your corn. okay. you paint your corn with it. >> once it's already been grilled. >> it's grilled. >> it's grilled. you paint your corn. and then you want to mix. you've got chili powder, cayenne pepper and cumin. and then you dump this in cheese. mix that up like that. you coat it. there's the finished product. we're going to coat this corn. >> oh, yum. >> it's ready to go. >> that's fantastic. >> how about that? >> simple way to spice it up on the charcoal grill. >> you can't have a barbecue without some baked beans. >> you've got to have baked beans. >> we have the full meal right here. we have cooked for everybody today, al. the whole gang! the whole gang. >> my friend. >> champion of the memphis in
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may barbecue. you are the man. >> thank you. >> all right. fantastic. we're going to come back here in houston, casa de esperanza, to finish everything up for our third day, the biggest day ever of lend a hand today. but first, this is "today" on nbc. i work at the cable company, and i get to wear a hard hat...
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a question already! my mom says cable can't bundle cell phones. you mean wireless voice service? nobody does that. mom says at&t does, so... uh...uh... [ female announcer ] get more bundle choices than cable. call to get u-verse tv and internet, plus your choice of home phone or wireless voice service starting at 89 a month -- our lowest price ever. switch today and get the hd-ready dvr included. i bring you... mr. roy, with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr and play them back on any tv.
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ms. jones has u-verse! [ female announcer ] so call now to get three services starting at just 89 a month. switch today and get the hd-ready dvr included. and u-verse has more hd channels than cable, too. i want at&t. -me, too! -yeah! who wants to talk to a fireman? i do! [ female announcer ] choose the bundle that fits your life. at&t. well, mr. al roker and his lend a hand team really out did themselves today. al, good job. where do you go next? >> hey, well, you know, we're going to be packing things up here, jenna bush, first of all, thank you, jenna bush hager, for bringing casa de esperanza to our attention. what a great group. >> awesome. i love the biggest day was down here in texas. >> that's right. they know how to do it, you know how to do it right in texas and the city of houston. so fantastic.
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we're going to be heading next to the beautiful city of birmingham, alabama. we'll also be dealing with some tornado stuff because, of course, tuscaloosa was so devastated there. and we've got a really special guest who is going to be joining us. ms. paula dean. >> whew! we're jealous of that. >> we had such a great time here. they do such great work. kathie foster, the gang, and, again, to give out $2.7 million worth of stuff is amazing. >> thank you for including me. it was so much fun. >> you really -- i love having you here. tell your folks i said hi. >> i will. i will. for sure. >> and, by the way, if you want to find some way to donate, go to our website, and we're going to link you to the charities we've been helping here. but you also give you other ways and ideas to donate and to give to charity in your community. we want everybody to lend a hand. while i get ready to get out of here, look on the bottom of your screen, promotional consideration provided by these very nice people. you know the big problem is, we
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have so much stuff, our truck, our penske truck is blocked. i can't get out. so, i borrowed this from one of the kids, savannah. so i'm going to see you from birmingham. i got to get started now! we'll see you later! all right. >> it's going to be a long trip there for al as he makes his way out of texas. i thought everything was supposed to be bigger in texas. apparently not the transportation. way to go. all right. we'll catch up with al tomorrow in birmingham, alabama. remember, as he said, if you want to learn more about how you can lend a hand, you can check it out on our website, coming up, liza minelli finds out who goes on to win the coming up, liza minelli finds out who goes on to win the show. -- captions by vitac --
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good wednesday morning to you. 9:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon.
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education funding will take a hit under the state's budget. it will be approved by the state democrats today. it relies on a mix of cuts and increased fees and taxes, including increasing vehicle registration fees and raising $200 million in online sales taxes. critics quickly dubbed that the amazon tax. the new budget plan eliminates governor brown's proposed tax extension, which means lawmakers only need a minority to approve it rather than two-thirds. state lawmakers will not be paid if they don't pass it by midnight. i bet you they get it done. 9:57. let's take a look at the forecast. good morning to you. we're looking pretty good this morning but it's going to warm up. i mean, if you need to get outside and take care of anything, we're already at 77 degrees. 66 in hayward, 76 in sunnyvale. even the city enjoying gorgeous temperatures. 70 degrees at 10:00 a.m. on your way to 76 later on.
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94 in gilroy. we have changes on the way. a little tropical depression brings about a cooling trend starting tomorrow. that will drop our temperatures to mid-80s and then we fall into the 70s for a gorgeous father day weekend. christina, this just in, as they say. we have a sig alert for westbound 580, heading into our area. if you're waiting for them, you are going to have to wait a long time. there is a sig alert in stockton that is causing some folks to be backed up. take alternate routes and give your friends a call if you expect them to come in from the central valley. the south bay is starting to clear up. 101 around 87, north of 237. we'll get a live look of the san mateo bridge. 880 moving much more clearly. >> still looks like a lot of folks out there. to me, he's the traffic guy. we'll trust him. for the latest traffic and news
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updates, check out facebook. another local news update in half an hour. see you then. in our home -- act. [ male announcer ] act mouthwash for kids has maximum fluoride for up to 40% fewer cavities and stronger teeth. act. stronger teeth and better checkups in every bottle.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television >> from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford ask hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody. so glad you're with us today. it's one of our favorite days around here. it's wines day wednesday, june 15th. half way through june already. >> what? >> stop it. >> the last few days have been icky, rainy and chilly, it doesn't feel like june. >> no. it's not even summer yet. >> no, it is not. i didn't have enough sleep. >> why, hoda?
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>> i wasn't feeling well. >> i was going go to the opening of "spider-man." but you saw "the voice." this is what i loved about it, we know how confusing it is with the judging and the voting and it seemed like a big mess at the time. >> at the time you thought it was a mistake now you don't think so. >> they started the show with christina aguilera's team of four. america saved one of the team of four. christina had to pick from among the three who she was going to pick. right there, she picked beverly. she's the bald rocker and so then christina had to pick from among the group and remember raquel? >> from long island. >> she picked frenchie. >> now it's frenchie and beverly are the two that she picked for her team. >> how many more weeks do they have left to go? >> i don't know. so tee is the one. >> he ended up picking the shy girl. >> here's what's funny. you know what he said before he
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chose her because there's the country guy who is is a terrific singer and the other great rocker on the other side. he said you two are terrific. i can help her more. i can mold her more. >> don't they want the person who is ultimately going to win it? >> she might. >> is she that good a singer? >> she's good. >> he has his reasons, but it's a terrible position to be in. we've been experiencing around here with our little, you know, cheapy version. i mean, come on! >> this is not cheapy. >> she's been killing herself on this. >> it's big for us, but in terms of prime time network we have a little version of it. >> this is what's fun about ours. so we have our two teams. unfortunately, your team has had a little bit of an issue. >> yes. >> you lost one of your -- one of our young ladies needed to have a gall bladder emergency surgery. >> this is her. >> amanda rose hall.
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>> she was a great singer. >> she was. ♪ now that i've been loving you so long ♪ >> beautiful. >> i loved her whole heart. >> it is cheapy. look at the way i'm turning around. >> and i'm wearing the same dress. >> is that the same dress? >> it seemed to be. >> anyway, we want to wish her all the best and hope she's feeling better. today i'm down to a married couple and it's b.j. and tasha. >> yeah. >> and then -- >> that's kat. ♪ begging you please, please >> ooh! >> yeah. she was good. >> here's what's going to happen today, just so everybody knows. >> they're great. ♪ but i don't want nothing at all if it ain't you baby ♪ >> there i go. wilma flintstone.
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you are wilma. >> all right. now what about your team? are we going to show them? >> of course, we are. these are rock stars as well. three great people. one from -- oh. okay. i turned on her -- do i wear the same outfit every single day? seriously! >> i don't want to say anything. >> it is. >> chris is awesome. >> he had a beautiful voice. ♪ you can make your heart ♪ i told you so that you had to go ♪ >> those are my three today. >> yes. >> okay, guys. here's the great part right here. liza minnelli is going to be judging. >> she's going to watch. >> she's going to pick the winner from my group and yours, they'll select one of the three or maybe two. >> montego glover from tony award-winning musical. won the tony last year "memphis"
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has been mentoring both of our teams. you'll see a piece that we shot with them yesterday. >> it will be fun. >> it's going to be fun. >> we have dish on arnold. mildred, the housekeeper, some are saying close member of the family over the years spoke to "hello" magazine. >> said she did not get paid for the interview. >> yeah. i don't know how that happened because "hello" openly pays. >> they're pretty open about that. >> so there is a photograph that we can show of her and her son. that's the picture that she gave to "hello" magazine. >> his name is joseph and he's 13 years old and i guess in person bears quite a resemblance to arnold. >> she describes the story of how, according to her, maria was asking her if the child was arnold's and at one point according to this woman she dropped to her knees and confessed and said it was his child. maria asked her to get up off
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her knees and comforted her. so, anyway. >> no. >> i don't know. >> you know maria and you said that did not surprise you that she might have that reaction. >> if that's all true, she's a very compassionate person, i can't imagine that if someone was sobbing in front of her would say get up. >> and i'll deal with my husband when i'm finished. i don't know what to make of this, that it happened through thanksgiving last year. and she said stay through the holidays. >> if you're doing that for your family you have your priorities straight, but that had to be a cold christmas. >> i would say it was. >> a cold christmas. >> you are in "people" magazine. let's see it. >> let's talk about the rest of "people." this is the fun body image issue. everyone's wearing a bikini bathing suit.
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look at jordin sparks. >> it's like jennifer hudson. >> look how everybody is in a bikini. >> look at paris. okay, hold. >> let's just show matt damon. no shirt required. so my thing had nothing to do with not wearing clothes. i am fully clad, but they had this thing, here it is. there's this machine at the mall in the king of prussia mall in pennsylvania. >> yeah. >> is that where it is? >> anyway, you stand in this contraption, this is what's cool about it. you hold your arms out and it scans your body and it spits out a list of the jeans that fit you the best. it will say levis size 10 or j. crew size 8. >> cheryl crowe if you love her jeans. >> it spits out the little thing so instead of going jean shopping to every single store to see this one fits you, this one scans your booedet and ones
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that fit me best are levis. >> you stand by them. >> i liked it because it made it easier. i don't like going in and out of 15 stores and if someone says this is what fits your body, go try yours on. >> but levi makes all different kind of jeans. >> it says boot cut. >> it scans your body. >> isn't that a smart idea? you don't pay for it when you go to the mall. i think the vendors do. >> i've never seen that before. >> i've never been into it at an airport, much less -- >> they say it doesn't have any of those that it bounces off. i don't want any more rays. >> uh-huh. >> all right. none of us get enough sleep. >> right. >> but this night explain why you want brownies all of the time or you want to eat carbs or enchiladas. >> it says when you're exhausted. >> and who isn't? >> you crave carbs which we know, i think. >> yeah. >> most people who work the
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overnight shift know the feeling. you're always reaching for something because it keeps you awake. >> you want energy. so there was a second study that said feeling sleepy during the day might make us less likely to resist temptation in the form of rich. >> that all makes sense to me. >> you get a lot of sleep. you get tons. i get none and -- >> you never sleep. >> i always sleep. i love that. i know, you can't sleep, what's wrong with you? >> i have a solution to it now. never in my whole life have i slept with a dog. all right, once in college, but no. i'm kidding. bambino sleeps with me now. >> what? between you and frank. >> no. there he is. he sleeps at the bottom of the bed. >> you have to be careful not to squish him. >> if i'm up or frank's up, we have bambino now and there's a reason to be up. i call him schnoosh schnoosh.
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this morning frank says where's my schnoosh schnoosh. >> there he is looking for bambino. >> if you want carb, love on your puppy instead. >> this came from a special vineyard, i've heard, from sources. >> it's supposed to be great right here in new york state. >> it's called chateau merlot rose and it's styled after wines in the south of france. >> it's 100% merlot, but what are they talking about? it's -- it looks like rose. >> taken from a merlot grape, i suppose and made into a rose. >> don't confuse me. it's $18 a bottle. >> we went to aspen to the aspen food and wine. >> so excited. >> it's from -- it's -- go back. it's from long island's north shore. chateau. >> congrats to the folks of "the today show."
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remember the "i've got a feeling" video we did? >> that thing won an edward r. murrow award. >> are you sure it wasn't fred mcmurray? >> no, edward r. murrow. we got one of the top awards in journalism for that. great, great stuff. >> that was produced by jen long. >> we love her to pieces and she'll be with us in aspen. >> are you with your furry friends? >> these are my own pet balloons which we had in the segment the other day, but when we had these at the office -- these are not just for kids, i just want to let you know. we have all played with these and there are 27 different types of animals and you can order them at my own they have just enough helium that their little legs hit the ground and they are too much fun. all of us have these at our computers. the pig and the frog are the cutest. >> they're very cute. >> and the pressure's on our contestance. only two are going to go to the
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finals. >> and the search for today's voice continues. my team is there. >> somewhere. so far it's just my team. there's another way to help eliminate litter box dust: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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downy fabric softener. bounce dryer sheets... and a pie pan. [ washing machine running ] looks like someone used my nice clean towels again for his mud pies. wasn't me. who's this? that guy? i've never seen that guy in my life. [ male announcer ] only walmart has low prices every day on everything to keep your wash fresh and clean. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. backed by our ad match guarantee. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back.
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to see what tommy left on her cloth hand towel. she found...7.2 dogs... [ barking ] 43 squirts of dad's shaving cream, 32 classmates, 347 newspapers, half a math book, and...12 frogs. [ ribbits ] after all, your hands are only as clean as the towel used to dry them. upgrade to kleenex hand towels for a clean, fresh towel every time. go to and see what could be on your hand towel.
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should you discipline someone else's kids? if you're at the park or on a play date and see a child acting out s it okay to be firm and try to teach them right from wrong? >> or should you just remove your child from the situation? susan schwimmer . >> and love in the time of colic. >> this is a touchy, touchy subject. you two happen to disagree. we will agree to disagree. i do not think you should discipline other people's children. there are rare circumstances if you're in a position of authority, coaching a little league game or teaching sunday school and those children in your charge, discipline them. on play dates, on the playground i don't think you should discipline other people's children. that is their parent's
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responsibility. >> what if that child is harming your child. let's pretend that child harms your kid. >> that happened to me. another child, i was watching my kid at the playground. another kid bites my kid and a fight ensues and i'm there to separate my kid and it's not easy to deal with another kid especially when the other parent is absent. >> you don't want to get sued either. >> i had to say bying is unacceptable. i've been at the playground where they're about to kill themselves. >> if something terribly changious. >> oh, sure, change your story. >> but that's not what most people are dealing with. most people are dealing with altercations with the kids on the monkey bars and they're being a little too wild because you know what? you can always take your child out of the situation. >> why should you always be strong do that? >> i don't think you should get in the business of disciplining other people's -- >> what about teaching a kid to say please or thank you. >> i think kids should be able to respect lots of adult
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authority. i've had kids who say you're not my mom, i don't have to listen to you. that's a bad attitude. kids need to respect any adult. >> what if the parent's standing right there. >> okay. >> their parent's right there and would you say something to that child? >> i say say something to the parent. parent to parent. they an imbalance of power, an adult against a child. >> the other thing is today, today a lot of kids are dealing with a lot of issues. there are emotional issues and problems in the family. >> it is also part of the reason they're acting that way is they're not being taught. >> my message to all of the parents throughout. hello? mom up. dad up. >> yes! >> parents your own child. >> i know, but that's not reality. you what the reality is? there's usually a babysitter there who is texting, a parents who is chatting about how hard it is to be a parent to another parent. >> i've been now two years in a
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row on a book tour with two little books for children. last year 100 kids came, one child said thank you. and then this past year just the past year i was at the bronx zoo with two kids that are trying to kill me and the mom is, like, take a picture. what is wrong with you? >> i agree with you. i think if you can take your child out of the situation, you can say to your child, you what? this isn't great behavior. i don't like what's going on here. >> in a way you're right. you can't control everybody else. you can control your kid. you can make your kid the best kid you can be. >> when you're at a playground, at a play group or birthday party. it's the safety of your child and it's the safety of other people's children and it's everybody. here's the mistake that i made. i have disciplined other people's kids and i've sought out a parent and i've kind of freaked out on the parent and that's where i made the mistake. what i would say is if your kid is doing something wrong go to the parent, calm down and have a reasonable discussion and try to be a reasonable adult.
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>> there are two different things we're talking about. when a kid can harm or hurt, maybe the kid has bad manners. >> there are a lot of tough spots. you go to birthday parties and they jack the kids up sugar and see what happens. it could be a zoo. >> a kid's just taking every dixie cup, slamming it, slamming it, slamming it. >> you cannot slam all of these dixie cups. they're for everybody. >> i never let it go. i just don't. >> no. you go for it. i respect your opinion, but i don't agree with it at all. >> mine is a little angel, so -- >> yeah, right. >> thanks, you so mguuc,h.yso . always great to see you. >> up next, the photos that will make you say, what? right after this. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. [ stomach growls ] [ female announcer ] why skip breakfast when you can start your morning with new special k multigrain oats and honey,
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a whole new blend of rolled oats and honey kissed multigrain flakes. it's a delicious way to get your whole grains and make your breakfast beautiful. ♪ and olive garden's one of the few places we can take them where everyone's happy. try our new four cheese pastachettis. with grilled chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with grilled sausage. starting at just $9.95. only at olive garden. [ chanting ] do it! [ all cheering ] [ female announcer ] it's fun to get dirty when it's this easy to get clean. that's because clorox 2 stain fighter & color booster works better than detergent alone at removing the toughest stains. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion.
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or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. >> we're back with one of our fun segments called "what the what." many of you send in photos of things you find funny or bizarre and these are the top picks. >> keep them coming. the first one was sent by marianne in toronto, canada. someone has a good sense of humor. >> gee-wizz. the next one sent in by lois adams in georgia. my thoughts exactly. >> flippin police. here come the flippin police. joy kill. is this their way of trying to
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boost sales. >> shop here and get punched. >> what was it supposed to be? >> i actually don't know. i thought it could be a credit card. >> they could have gone with we will validate rather than we'll whoop you. >> stephanie from stone wall, massachusetts. sent us this photo. hey, at least they warned us. as opposed to one right out in the open. it will be submerged. 6. >> 600 feet. >> i don't understand that on any level at all. >> finally, we have a photo from jonathan maxwell from huntington, west virginia, which way? >> oh, my gosh. i mean, you just let me know. >> oh, no. >> someone did that. >> no. that is legit. >> it's legitity, but do you think someone painted it at their house? >> they did a good job if they did. >> this week's was so great, people sent in so many photos. keep going to klg and
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keep posting. >> how did famous singers get their start? we'll find out when we play "who knew." you know what's coming up. >> someone will get their start here. >> there's my team. >> look at them. >> judge l minne minnell will decide who goes to the finals. come on, kids. we'll be back after your local news. ll
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sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. revlon launches growluscious plumping mascara. the new mascara with a conditioning formula that helps strengthen and plump lashes up to 200%... instantly. for maximum volume... and a killer look. new revlon growluscious plumping mascara.
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good wednesday morning to you. a food fight turned border war. still dragging on in the east bay over a proposed in and out restaurant. city staffers expect to release the environmental impact report. a second traffic study on the proposed site for the restaurant at 3131 main street. it's right on the border of pleasant and walnut creek. they say it will bring rowdy crowds to their neighborhood. residents say it will be good
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business for their city. debate has been going once last arye. rowdy crowds. all right. 10:26. weather and traffic after this. [ female announcer ] did you know that sprite is made with artificial preservatives? ♪ so get real. try sierra mist natural.
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naturally sweetened with real sugar and nothing artificial. for a crme taste. deliciously refreshing sierra mist natural. the natural one. for a refreshing twist, add a splash of your favorite fruit juice. go to facebook for delicious drink ideas. the heat is on. 10:28 and we have mid-80s popping up. 84 degrees in fairfield. 70 in napa. but we have 80s in livermore. well on our way to the mid-90s. i might be bumping my numbers up
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as we head throughout the afternoon. possibly up to 98 degrees in fairfield. if you want to get those highs, tune in today at 4:00 p.m. and see what jeff ranieri has for you. >> 92 over the water, it's not the temperature. highway 92. i was going to tell you about the construction work blocking the lane and eastbound they just issued a sig alert. on that high rise coming over from the peninsula, a sig alert and then a small car fire there as well. i don't know about injuries but it will be an issue as you come across the bay. 880 has recovered nicely for the toll plaza and bay bridge. really bogging down through berkeley and emeryville. the last part of the commute is sticking around. at the toll plaza, only the fast lanes are getting the breaks. again, more reason to get that fast track and visibility is pretty okay right now. the maze is starting to recover
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nicely after a slow down through the area. >> try to keep it cool tau day. for the latest traffic news, check out nbc morning news on facebook or become our individual friends as well. love to talk to you, love to sea have great day. see you tomorrow morning starting at 5:00 a. mrk. we are back on this wine day with who knew? today we'll talk about how famous singers got their start in the music industry. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store and she'll hand out money to those who are right and a cope of her cd. >> i like your new hairdo. >> thank you very much. >> shorter for the summer. >> i like. i liky. let's see how good our people do across the street. >> i said hello to this family and i asked where are you from? thousand oaks. and by the way, frank gifford is
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my great uncle. he is my husband's great niece. which of these pop stars did not get their starts on the new mickey mouse club. was it justin timberlake, christina aguilera, britney spears or nick lachey. >> d? >> yeah! darn n. darn! you'll have to take the money. i'm sorry. >> he looks heart broken. >> oh, what the heck, he's family. >> nick was the one. >> nick was the one, he had to wait until he was in college to get his start. the other once were barely teenager, all of them, christina aguilera, justin timberlake and britney spears on the 199 -94 season of the all new mickey mouse club along with, get this, oscar nominee, ryan gosling. >> really? >> he wasn't nominated. >> back across to kathie. >> nice folks from texas. which coach from nbc's "the voice" worked as a waiter before
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getting signed to a record deal? >> was it adam levine, cee lo green. adam shelton or none of the above? >> it's a happy day. she gets my cd. >> looks happy. the correct answer there is adam levine. >> adam levine worked two weeks at a johnny rockets. >> it doesn't count. >> well t kind of does. he was slinging fries and some burgers and a lot of ladies were probably asking if fries came with that shake. here's the thing. he was in between record deals and he had two different bands and the first one was when he was in high school and then came maroon 5 after college and worked as a waiter. >> i like how he did it the old fashion the way. >> back across. >> nice folks from columbus, ohio. which singer tried to get discovered by visiting record labels with a tape of herself singing along to karaoke tracks? >> carrie underwood, taylor
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swift, miley cyrus or shania twain? >> taylor swift. >> you knew it before i asked the question. >> i like taylor swift's moxi. i mean, she really does -- >> folks, talk about moxi. she was 11 years old and she made the rounds at the labels in nashville with her karaoke tracks atrack s and she had to wait two or more years. she got her start at the blue bird cafe. >> you know who else did? >> garth brooks, two years before taylor was born. >> you just made her feel bad. >> who knew that? that's great. which singer's career took off after being a vocalist on the 1970s game show "name that tune." it was carly simon? kathie lee gifford, aretha franklin or carol king, which of those four tanfantastic singers was? >> carol king.
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>> well, he'll know about you after he listens to your cd. >> as all of america knows, it was, of course, kathie lee gifford. >> oh, oh! >> yes, she must have been 5 or 6 years old at the time. >> sing it, kath. >> what's that? ♪ you used to be the one >> is there any more glorious sound than the sound of your own ice? >> yeah. ♪ hey there >> this singer got his start by making homemade videos on youtube, the kind you can watch and not be embarrassed. listen to this clip and tell us who it is. >> justin bieber. ♪ baby, baby, baby >> she got it on one note, just irn beeber. >> justin bieber a mere youngster at the time, 12 years old. his mom started putting up clips of him singing other famous pop songs and they introduced him to
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usher. >> you're the best. coming up next, let's get ready to rumble. it is time for the battleground, who will be picked for "today's voice." look at the crew, but first, these messages. ♪ ♪ well, there's a change in the weather ♪ ♪ there's a change in the sea ♪ so from now on ♪ there'll be a change in me ♪ and my walk will be different ♪ ♪ my talk and my name [ male announcer ] rust-oleum ultra cover 2x gives you twice the coverage, twice as fast as any other brand. ♪ ...changes made for nearly 100 years, we've been giving people the power to change. ♪ ...changes made we've been giving people the power to change. parentheses have a place. but not on your face. juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc.
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now time for the battle round and "today's voice." we are very excited after rehearsing with our team. >> we selected three contestants and mono ttego from the great. >> and we are honored to have the legendary, talented liza minnelli as our official judge. did you know she's won an emmy, an oscar and a tony. one of the few in this business. >> you have the best reviews of your career called confessions and she is now going on tour. where are you going to be this summer? >> oh, gosh, i'm going again and
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i'm going first to london. >> you love london and they love you. >> i'm going around england which i enjoy and paris. which i really love. >> check your local listings, basically. >> it's your basic europe moment. >> go on your european local listings. >> it's a true europe moment, and i am so thrilled to be doing it. >> you will have a tough job ahead. >> tough job. >> we will go to sarah and sarah will give us the rules. >> as we mentioned we have kathie lee and hoda's teams performing today and at the end the legendary liza minnelli will pick one from each team. >> how about just liza. >> i feel weird just saying liza -- it's liza minnelli. >> they'll pick one to go on to the next round where america will vote on the final winner. so you will see both. >> finally time for my team to perform. let's see how rehearsal went. ♪ ♪ >> here they are! hey! good to see you. are you guys excited?
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>> tasha, b.j. >> david will be accompanying you. >> tony nominee from "memphis" montego glover, everybody! all right! and so you know what you'll be singing, it's going to be ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ ♪ ain't no valley low enough >> first of all, this team's got to win. if i don't win i've got to quit. she knows nothing about music. have you seen the music she likes? please. ♪ flashlight >> you're drunk, picture it. >> you've got to do it. let's knock them out of the park. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ baby ♪ baby ♪ now you guys take the first
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one. ♪ no rain >> that was good, you guys. you see the pressure that people are under when they perform? they've got to learn it so fast. they have to learn their own parts. >> whoever sings the melody, make sure you pound it because they'll go there first. >> first of all, they're so open and so willing to sing. >> and they're excited. >> and they're excited. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and now team kaths kathie le our married couple, tasha and b.j. and cat from mississippi wi with. ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ you rocked it! you rocked it! that was absolutely fabulous! >> wait, when we come back -- when we come back, right? we're not judging now. when we come back we'll have my team. >> team hoda is coming back after these messages. >> that was great, you guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ou think eh, thirty days. max. we'll see about that. [ female announcer ] glade® lasting impressions: two complementary fragrances alternate to keep things fresh. and not just for thirty days. our longest-lasting plugins air freshener lasts for sixty. well that lasted longer than i thought. i knew it would. [ female announcer ] get freshness that won't fade away for sixty days with plugins lasting impressions. now glade scented oil fits air wick® warmers, too. so you can choose your favorite glade fragrances.
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oh. ♪ >> we're back with more of kwd today's voice." >> we heard from kathie lee's team and now it's time for my team to perform. let's take a look at our rehearsal. ♪ ♪ >> okay. we're about to bring in the winning team, the a team. the a team's coming in.
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come on in, guys. when i picked you guys i knew from the beginning there was something special and unique about each and every one of you. so do you want to know what song you're doing? >> yes. >> are you nervous about that in. >> okay. ♪ ♪ oh, baby, give me one more chance ♪ ♪ >> i'm so excited. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> yeah, come on! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> one question, can we try switching these two? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> yeah. i like that arrangement. >> let's switch? >> cool. >> three of you, treat this song like it's been heard by your audience for the very first time. now it's much too late for me to take a second look.
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now it's much too late for me to take a second look. >> yeah. that's it. that's it, guy snoos. how are we doing with the hair -- >> what are we talking about? >> i don't remember. >> totally amazing. >> all right. without further ado, team hoda, chris murphy and ashton both from dallas, texas and alexis, she's actually from new orleans. so hit it, david. >> one, two three, four! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ really good! >> with dance steps! i like the dance move, you guys. both teams were terrific and we'll come back and talk to miss liza minnelli.
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>> it's up to her. tough job. who will move to the final, but first this, is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪
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we're back with "today's voice" and everybody is really nervous. we. >> we just heard each team perform live. team kath. >> and who's go the finals and we'll find out who win. just teedzing. >> let's listen and watch. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> okay. first of all, you want to start, kathie lee? >> you know what, let's hear what montego thought. >> team klg, so, so great.
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nice, tight harmonies and everyone was committed to the vocal. all of the notes i gave you everybody you took. you guys were great. >> what did you think? >> i thought the same thing, i thought you were wonderful. i understand you can't hear yourself very well, can you? >> so, for that, you're really doing good. you were just, just great. >> i wish i could have heard their voices better sitting here, too, as well. it was harder to hear. >> sitting with someone -- >> now we'll listen to team hoda. here's what you guys just did. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right! >> so everybody was fantastic. what about them, montego? >> listen, guys. every single note i gave for you individually and you took it, i
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am so pleased. good energy. hoda wanted to step in, you put the step in. >> choreography is hot. >> liza, what do you think, baby? >> i thought it was wonderful. i really did, and it's hard to pick one of you because it's such group effort and you all sound so wonderful together. >> but we'll have to -- >> and it's actually up to you. >> team klg first. >> what we should point out is one's a duet. >> so you're going to pick the duet or the individual. >> so who's it going to be, liza? >> well, alexis -- >> wait, wait, wait. >> team klg. >> oh, my god! already? >> doing that one first. >> well, b.j., tasha -- >> fix them. >> b.j. and tasha. >> and team hoda. team hoda. >> well, you already heard. alexis, you're in.
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>> so everybody should feel good, though. >> you were all great. >> by the way, everybody was a home run. you guys did so well. >> you made your families and your loved ones proud. god bless you. thanks so much. >> thank you to -- >> it's tough to just come in on this because you're all wonderful. >> and now there will be a singoff between the duo and alexis. >> and tomorrow we have angela lanesbury. >> i'm such a fan of hers! >> who isn't? and five-minute beauty rituals. >> montego, thank you so much for everything you did. >> you'll be back with us next week. >> so will you, miss liza. >> david freedman, thank you! fabulous book. >> bye, >> e,by ev! have a great wednesday! -- captions by vitac --
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